Thursday, September 1, 2011

I would like a little wine with that whine, please

Hi, my name is Judith, an emotional eater and drinker.  There, I've said it.  If anything is stressing me out, has me upset, or sucks up all open space in my brain, I compensate by eating.  Even if something goes well, I want to celebrate with a glass (or three) of wine. 

Somehow something switches in my brain and I go from "Wow, I'm full" to "Those 90-calorie cheese sticks need to be eaten" when I have something on my mind (I also need to work on "just because they're 90 calories doesn't mean I can eat them all in one sitting).  If I'm home, and it's in the fridge or pantry, you might as well consider it eaten if I've had a bad day.  I don't know what it is, but if I'm struggling, my stomach suddenly develops this endless pit that I must try to fill with all types of food.

Normally, I don't eat that much.  When I was younger, if I felt full, I felt nauseous. I was instantly able to stop eating the minute my stomach felt even a little full.  Still, I rarely finish a sandwich, every dinner out is also lunch the next's just all this SNACKING and DRINKING when I feel out of control of my life.  It's got to stop.

My guilty pleasures:
Starbucks (although I've considerably reduced this one)
Soda (same..trying to get myself to like flavored soda water.  It's been a long process)
Anything gummy
Alcohol (any and all...I'm an equal opportunity drinker)

How do I stop it?
Um, I don't know.  I guess I just have to have the mental fortitude to realize that eating when my emotions are involved doesn't do anything for me.  It doesn't solve the problem that's getting me to eat.  Eventually, even, I feel worse because I feel like a huge balloon after downing that pint of Ben and Jerry's, bag of Doritos, more than one serving of honey roasted peanuts, and bottle of Pinot Noir.

But it's all sooo gooood.

And I still hate running.

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