Wednesday, September 14, 2011

I want the sandwich, no bread, with waffle fries

We all have our weaknesses, right?  Mine is food.  I have an acute sense of smell, and good food just calls to me.  I travel for work and I make a conscious effort to seek out "the best" whatever I can find.  I even remember cities by "the best" something I've ever had.
For example:
Best peach: Pike St Market, Seattle, WA (and yes, I've been to Georgia)
Best margarita: Casa Rio, San Antonio, TX
Best guacamole: La Fonda hotel, Santa Fe, NM
Best steak: South Bay Grille, Kalispell, MT
Best mac and cheese: Mother's, Portland, OR
Best bacon: Martha's Vineyard, MA

I'm telling you, I could go on and on and on and on...
So, my weakness is food and I'm sitting here trying to do the Special K diet, which, let's face it, isn't going nearly as well as the first time I tried.  Damn food.  So maybe I won't lose the 6lbs they claim (or that I lost last time), but maybe I'll lose a little and at least be happy by 10/1.  I need to run more too. I should have gone this morning, but I didn't sleep well at all and was a lethargic mess when my alarm went off.

I think I'm just too busy.  I want to run, play guitar, sing in my a cappella group, find venues for the group, teach, work...just not enough hours in the day.  Not enough until I get a routine down, I suppose.

Tomorrow's plan:
6am run
6:30 shower and head to work
7:30am-4pm: work
4-5pm: head to class
5-6pm: teach
7-10pm: a cappella
11pm (hopefully): home

LONG day.
How do you all fit it all in?


  1. Best seafood? Do you do seafood? If so, please tell me where the best is so I can plan a future vacation.

  2. Actually, I don't do seafood at all. Tragic, huh? I hear great things about the seafood in Boston, Portland, OR has great salmon, and Maine has the best lobster. But that's only second-hand, from my fellow travelers (that eat ocean-y things).
